

About this site:
Slushbin is a site to host whatever I feel like hosting. The word bin is telling here. This is my garbage dump.
Expect a little bit of everything on here, and expect stuff to change from time to time.
About me:
A dude in his 20s. I tend to spend my time painting/drawing stuff, reading books, programming and trying to learn music production. I also sometimes have episodes where I play games quite a lot from time to time. Most of them being FPSs, RPGSs or fighting games.
Am from but currently living in the
I worked few years now as a code monkey, so I think I can by now say i'm a software dev (I know, unheard of in personal websites space). With that being said, I plan to change that in the near future. I don't particularly enjoy this job and would want to do something more "important" with my life. Even if I recognize that doing this is quite a privilege with how difficult and unpleasant some jobs can be.
With that being said, I'm a proud ClitPad user who enjoys Debian with I3WM. I3WM for me is the best "desktop environment" I've ever used and I have doubts whenever I'll use anything besides tiling window managers for the rest of my life.
I collect vinyls of albums I love. Click on the album cover to see those I have:
If you want to contact me, click this.
Also I'm running the site on neocities.
Linking back:
If you want to link me, here's the button and url